Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Deux. First Photo Shoot


First photo shoot!

Our first photo shoot of the bracelets were well,
Repetitions of trial and errors

 Not focused right...
Don't know how to adjust the lighting properly...

But we ended up with some nice pictures for the sites
And had a lot of fun doing so!

Un. First meeting & sleepover


Our first and only meeting we've had so far!
Started making the bracelets and gathered ideas for PETIT LIVRE!
Our internet wasn't working for the week so we went to Tim Hortons to get our accounts started :P

We made jewelry for two days straight!
And we didn't sleep for long 'cause we had to chat the night away

Here are some of our pictures!


Zero. Blogging

'Notre page' is for us to share 'behind the scenes' with you
Space for us to post random things on the blog
We'll keep you posted!